It has now been just over two years since I went through the accident that ended up killing my friend, Rich Mullins. In the time that has passed, I've seen the impact that Rich and his music have had on people. I wish he was still living to continue what he was doing. However, his impact continues. I miss him.
I'm still recovering from the accident. I had various injuries and a few things are still not back to normal. My vision is still double, but it is improving. My voice is not back to how it used to be, but it is fine. I think these both are stemming from nerves that were damaged and are taking awhile in healing up. I'm still waiting on other nerves to "get fixed", also; but I'm very thankful to be where I am. I'm continuing on.
My album, that I released independently almost a year and a half ago (and that Rich co-produced with Mark Robertson), has now been re-released by Rhythm House Records. They have repackaged the album so it looks different. Rhythm House had me record an additional song, "My Deliverer"; that has been added to the original album. It is the same album, with some new twists. I'm excited for everyone to have it. I'm thankful that Rhythm House believes in what I'm doing enough to get behind it. It will be in all the stores and on the radio.
I feel very fortunate to get to communicate the Kingdom of God to people
and point them to Jesus. The more people, who listen, the better. However,
it is a blessing to have anyone listen to me at all. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
I will "talk" to you soon.
~ Mitch McVicker