Background: I have invited people to share their experiences of the effect or impact Mitch's music has on their lives. This forum is not for concert reviews which are covered at the Official Site Link. This wonderful story share is by Cate. I was thrilled to get a story of my first Mitch concert, after recently publishing Lauren's story of 18 concerts and more to come! Enjoy her tale which many have experienced but this is the first documentation of a first Mitch Concert. This article forum of sharing stories is open to other Mitch McVicker music followers at this site. It's ideal for those who have something to say and don't want or have a concert review to express it in. Please do not feel you need to write any more than a few paragraph's. If your reading this and are interested in sharing a story, just send me an e-mail at |
This next
story is from a new friend of Mitch, Brad and Joe. Cate saw them
for the first time April 2001. The concert wasn't enough to satisfy
her soul so she picked up the music at the concert and then did some net
searching. Her story share is from a couple of recent memo's sent
to the unofficial. It is a great share of the feelings many people
new to his music experience. It's a story written by Cate but I know
it's one that has been experienced by many. I've heard the theme
of this story from others at the few concerts I've been to. It's
good to get one documented finally, and friends, we are always looking
for more.
A Story by Cate after her first Mitch concert In Rock Hills, SC I usually don't chat much or surf much on the Internet but after seeing Mitch, Brad and Cobra Joe in concert for the very first time in my small home town, I was so blown away by their God gifted talent and the effect it had on me that I had to come home and find out more. The band is so amazing. I had never heard of Mitch before last week but read an article in the paper about his concert and was mildly interested. Friday morning (before the concert) I heard him on our local Christian radio station and once again gave it another passing thought. Sometime during the day I decided I'd go check it out and what a blessing I found! I instantly became a "mcvickerfan". I was so impressed I bought every CD he had displayed and a T-shirt that I proudly wore today! There's really not a point to this except to say that God works in amazing ways through his children. I am so happy to discover music that glorifies God through this talented group of men. I am now a official fan and groupie wanna-be. I will be looking for all nearby concerts. Please add me to the "mcvickerfan-club" mailing list if there is one and tell me how I can hook up for discussion with other fans. I'm new to this but willing to learn to in order to keep up with Mitch and his band! I liked the straight forward approach to her memo, and so I wrote her back asking if I could share it in our growing story forum. Cate responded: Here I am again, still basking in the effect of Mitch's music on my heart. Today was another beautiful day in the Lord and as the lyrics keep going through my head, I keep feeling a tug at my heart from God to earnestly pursue a deeper relationship with Him yet on a more simple level. Deeper doesn't have to be more complex like we sometimes try to make it. God only asks that we imitate Him and live a life of love and in return He will graciously give us all things. Somehow the lyrics to Mitch's songs seem to convey living life and loving others in a simple way. It is people that complicate our relationships with God and other people. I don't know, call me crazy, but it's been awhile since any Christian music had this kind of effect on me. So much so that I asked some of the members of our worship band if they would be willing to learn his songs - which leads me to my question - Is the written music available for purchase for the purpose of a praise band setting? I'd be interested in buying a copy if you can help me. And by all means you are welcome to use my story, like I said, I'm now an official "mcvicker fan" and will be telling all my friends about the great music. I'm sure we'll be in touch in the future. I always look forward to making new friends in the body of Christ. Love in Christ, Catherine (you can call me Cate) Rock Hill SC 4/01 I sent Cate the links to the music guitar chords that are available on the official site. I also enjoy sending these stories to Mitch. He is a humble man, but I do consider the stories good fuel for his soul. Thanks Cate! ~ suzan
![]() To support his ministry, order music and the book directly from the official
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obtained from mitch for sound/picture files used