Lauren's Photo Album
5//05/01 ~  Indianapolis, IN

We got to this show a little later than I would have liked, with about 10 minutes to go before they
started.  We still managed to get decent seats though, although, as long as I got to see the guys, even
standing up would be fine!  For this show they  had very neat lighting which created cool shadowing
effects.  The guys played the usual songs, with no real surprises and then got called back out to do
some sing alongs.  The guys all sat down and autographed and chatted after the show.  Overall, it was

(click  some for larger pic)








Order Without Looking Down, Chasing The Horizon, Canticle Of The Plains & Mitch McVicker


To support his ministry, order music and the book directly from the official

Order Without Looking Down, Chasing The Horizon, Canticle Of The Plains & Mitch McVicker

Mitch is Compassion USA Top Spokesperson

Awesome Bible links
(click the cross)
 Drinksome of God's 
love above (click the cup)

To support his ministry, order music and the book directly from the official

website is copyright © 2000-2007
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permission obtained from mitch for sound/picture files used
and all are copyright@2000-2007  back to
ownership of all collected and created at this website is given to Mitch McVicker for emails  This site and  all pages are copyright@2000-2007